Why this blog has no stats and why you should think to do the same

This website has no Analytics enabled.

some context (the past)

In previous incarnations of this blog I used to enjoy all the funky stats of Google Analytics. I wasted hours looking at my stats, learning SEO, writing in a style that was not fully mine (but more Google compatible). I spent money on Wordpress plugins, software to share my content with the masses and (never fully) mastered pop-ups. All for some sense of achievement looking at a number going up and feeling very depressed when the numbers would go down.

Stats are not worth it

back to basics (the thinking)

I created this blog for the following reasons:

  • share the knowledge
  • learn more
  • help others
  • improve my English
  • be consistent in something
  • get feedback

conclusions (the why)

What is the best way to measure those reasons:

  • share the knowledge - number of posts
  • learn more - reader commenting and adding their views. Online (better as shared to more people) and offline
  • help others - comments, online and offline. If what you read helps you, please comment
  • improve my English - Grammarly review
  • be consistent in something - number of missed articles in a year
  • get feedback - comments again

So I keep comments and remove the rest.

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