Category: learning in public

Create time for what is important

I’m changing the name of the blog to create time for what is important which is the name of my first blog. So back to basics. I’m doing this because time is too important in my thoughts and writing to not be in the title. That might focus me a little more :) a bientot Read more...

The problem with communities

We are all part of some community of like-minded people and/or in the same areas of expertise. Examples of communities are: Family Company Community in our area of expertise University courses Industry sector Passion groups neighbourhood Game clan Living in a community gives a distorted view of the world. For example, it is easy to feel that a hard-earned skills/knowledge is standard because all the persons in our community have that same skill when in reality the community is small, and the skill is rare. Read more...

A life lesson from Frozen II

There is a song in the movie Frozen II about making the Right next thing. We often know what is the next right thing, but actually doing it can be extremely hard. What is the next right thing in your life? Read more...

What is it for

A great insight from Seth Godin When you create something new, art, a company, a product. Do not focus on the failure or the goals, but instead focus on what is it for? and try many things to make it do, what it is for. NB: Seth explains it so much better on this interview Read more...

Honesty is not a good word

The word honest cannot be used meaningfully in any conversation, it carries too many implication and unsaid. Dishonest people are in jail. Try to use candor instead. I founded it fluffy initially but the more I use it the more I’m converted. Candor is a great alternative to honesty in any conversation. Try it Read more...

Leaning forward

In ski jumping, the winner is the one that can lean forward the most. But if you lean forward too much, you fall on your face. I can picture this as a good metaphor for business. Leaning forward is an act of courage. What about leaning backward? Leaning backward is about not taking risks, but if you lean backward too much you fall too. I prefer to lean forward and see the goal and take the risks instead of leaning backward hoping a chair is there. Read more...

An interview with Seth Godin

A great video with powerful insights. My first insight is (paraphrasing): “it might not work” triggers our hard-wired fears for survival. Fear is needed for survival, when a projectile is coming our way, you want to raise your arms immediately, not to think about it. But we are not fighting for survival when we do a public speech. Nor to colleagues or even to your kid’s classroom (scary!). Is this cases, fear is invented, fear is a blocker to let creativity flow. Read more...

Humans as financial assets. Some thoughts

This post is unfinished, and I hope that you, the reader, will add some comments and ideas. NB: I am no accountant :) Most companies will tell you that their greatest assets are the people, but when you read a financial report, people are not of any value. There is an issue with quantifying people. Some standard excuses are that people come and go, but other assets do the same, any current asset can be converted in money in less than a year (in theory). Read more...