Category: people

What is AI for? What is BI for?

“Backwards-looking BI, forward-looking AI Ali Ghodsi (Databricks co-founder and CEO) in a Stratechery interview I like this quote because it helps me understand and explain what is BI for and what is AI for. BI stands for Business Intelligence. It is a way to collect a lot of data representing a business and use that data to understand how things are going and make decisions. Using algorithm on the data allows to discover unexpected connections. Read more...

Using stress to get more ideas fast

In her TED talk, Kelly McGonigal presents the case that stress is your friend (not too much). I have experienced how stress can be a valuable friend for ideation, the fancy term to describe having ideas. I found, that to have lots of ideas, a pre-requisite to have good ideas, you need a brainstorming session. I also found, that having a two minutes brainstorming session gets me roughly the same number of ideas than a two hours session. Read more...