Category: tech


This is a short rant email. I’m studying for the AWS Solution Architect Pro exam, so I’m reading a lot of whitepapers and documentation. I got very upset (no good reason really) about the inactivity of the IT industry as a whole. The problems discussed in the micro-services whitepaper are the same that we (as a team inside Coblan srl) were trying to solve 15 years ago. While the name micro-services existed the concepts are the same. Read more...

On-liner on MVP

To help shut the perfectionist in you remember that If it is not embarrassing, it is not an MVP Read more...

[soon] Is Windows cheaper on AWS or Azure?

I am working on an article about Windows License pricing on AWS and doing some comparison with Azure. Stay tuned for the results in the next days on Strategic Blue blog I will update this post when the article is posted :) What are your guesses? Read more...

Azure pricing stats

Our Azure expert in Strategic Blue shared with me which is a great resource to get a better understanding on Azure pricing. Here I am sharing it with you too. Enjoy Read more...

Mobile App idea

Bluetooth is a big consumer of a mobile’s battery. What about an app that turn on or off Bluetooth based on location? I cannot find a good one on my own, so maybe it is a challenge you want to take you technical reader? a bientôt Read more...

AWS experiment 1 - best way to create many small files

Introduction As a way to continue learning AWS and in preparation for future certifications I want to do some experiments on AWS. Each experiment will be easily replicable and will allow you to test it. This first experiment is foundational and is focused on finding a fast way to create a controlled number files of known (small) size. Conclusion if you don’t want to read it all: Create a big file with dd and then spliting it is by far more efficient than using dd in a for-loop for files under 100k. Read more...

Google Cloud Solution Architect Pro

Hello, as discussed in a previous article I was trying to pass the Google Cloud Solution Architect Professional. I did fail my first try, but made it (luck was heavily involved) on the second try. Cool! a bientôt Read more...

Test the Spammyness of your Emails

While configuring protonmail for the domain and the mailchimp account, I wanted to check if everything was configured correctly. This is when I found which helps a lot. Go to their page, send an email to the address they show and click a button. Easy, simple, and functional. Thanks Read more...

Google has too much info on me

Google aims to collect small pieces of information that, on their own, do not provide much and aggregating them make sense and create not only a profile but also understand your evolution. So the more small pieces they have, the more they have an understanding. Every service of Google is aimed at collecting those pieces. Let’s see some example with a story. You are on Gmail - Google read your email, knows your contacts, who do you ignore, who do you reply fast, which email you open and which link you click. Read more...

Comments about cloud industry and other tech thoughts

I answered a quora question and I like it so much that I’ll post it here The question is: Why is the architecture of the cloud depending only on the decisions made by the cloud professionals? Why are the cloud initiatives not linked to the product or business aspects? My answer is: Short answer: it should not. Long answer: While most tech people have a strong feeling that Cloud is the biggest thing in IT, it is not. Read more...