When we lose something important, there is a natural process that is the same for everyone and that I call the 8 phases of grief.

The 8 phases of grieving: Shock, Denial, Frustration, Depression, Acceptance , Connecting with meaning and purpose, Decision, Integration
Persons that manage to go through all the phases fast have resilience. Let me repeat, resilience is simply the capacity to “get over it”.
From the outside resilient people will rebound, be determined, courageous and able to adapt. This last one is the most important because as Darwin said:
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able to adapt to and to adjust best to the changing environment in which it finds itself - Charles Darwin in his “Origin of Species.”
Ps: I made this discovery while doing my Zetterkasten, which is a fantastic tool to map your thought and make discoveries like this one. Let me know if you’d like training.
ps2: The graph comes from Postnatal Recovery a great website for professional mums. (yes I read this too)