
[Tech] An error occurred (InternalFailure) when calling the ListDataSources operation (reached max retries: 2): None

Is it just me or the AWS Quicksight API call to list data sources is broken? For the last few weeks I am getting $ aws quicksight list-data-sources \-\-aws-account-id 1234566789012 \-\-region eu-west-1 An error occurred (InternalFailure) when calling the ListDataSources operation (reached max retries: 2): None Tested today with aws-cli/2.1.36 Python/3.8.8 Linux/5.4.72-microsoft-standard-WSL2 exe/x86_64.ubuntu.20 prompt/off Read more...

A no-day

Someday are no-days. It does not have to be a fully bad day, just one bringing a news on which you had placed hope. A no-day is just a day, nothing more nothing less and if the news reaches you in the evening, then it can be a short one. Anyway, what is your no-day remedy. For me it will be a cuddle with the kids, good dinner with Anya and smiling all evening. Read more...

High tech yet manual

It is incredible that the installation of an ADSL still requires manual work and “playing” with cables. Read more...

Arithmetic in Bash

~$ 2+2 2+2: command not found If you try to do 2+2 in bash chances are that 4 is not going to be the answer you get. To force bash to do some basic math you need to place it between the wildly non-intuitive $(( )) token. That’s strange IMO but hey it is a step in the right direction $((2+2)) 4: command not found That works ~$ echo $((2+2)) 4 more details on this article Read more...