Is it just me or the AWS Quicksight API call to list data sources is broken?
For the last few weeks I am getting
$ aws quicksight list-data-sources \-\-aws-account-id 1234566789012 \-\-region eu-west-1 An error occurred (InternalFailure) when calling the ListDataSources operation (reached max retries: 2): None Tested today with
aws-cli/2.1.36 Python/3.8.8 Linux/5.4.72-microsoft-standard-WSL2 exe/x86_64.ubuntu.20 prompt/off
Here is 9 minutes, very informal yet informative video, I summarize the information I’m gathering from Google Analytics over the last 12 months of FC.Read more...
Someday are no-days. It does not have to be a fully bad day, just one bringing a news on which you had placed hope.
A no-day is just a day, nothing more nothing less and if the news reaches you in the evening, then it can be a short one.
Anyway, what is your no-day remedy. For me it will be a cuddle with the kids, good dinner with Anya and smiling all evening.Read more...
~$ 2+2
2+2: command not found If you try to do 2+2 in bash chances are that 4 is not going to be the answer you get. To force bash to do some basic math you need to place it between the wildly non-intuitive $(( )) token.
That’s strange IMO but hey it is a step in the right direction
4: command not found That works
~$ echo $((2+2))
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