
It is all about humans

In the end, it is all about humans. Every big decision always involves a person to convince. If computers were making the decisions, they would not be able to manage many cases, creating a gap that a startup, doing the same job, but, with a human will fill. For example, loans: from what I see, mainstream loan applications are reviewed and decided by a computer, based on some numerical data (credit score and others) supposed to measure risk. Read more...


Failure is stigmatised at school, you succeed (different levels available) or you fail (one level of failure available). In life and business failure is more often the proof of having tried something. In life and business, only the failures that kill you are important, everything else can be recovered. In business it is running out of cash. PS: I failed my AWS SA Pro exam, this is were I got the idea :) Read more...

One way to avoid regrets

As you know I fear having regrets so much that it is a big measure of my life success. As discussed in Refuse Unhappiness and the only long term goal that matters I recently watched a movie on LinkedIn about tenacity, and the sentence that resonated is: Giving up is the birth of regret Does it resonate with you? Read more...

Mobile App idea

Bluetooth is a big consumer of a mobile’s battery. What about an app that turn on or off Bluetooth based on location? I cannot find a good one on my own, so maybe it is a challenge you want to take you technical reader? a bientôt Read more...

Being rested yet tired

I just came back from a restful week of holiday. I’m refresh, and full of energy, yet I’m tired and cannot wait to sleep. “Why?” you say? My son decided to wake up this morning at 5AM, so right now I’m tired. Lesson of the day Don’t mix you long term energy levels (mine are really good at the moment) with your current energy level. Energy levels change every hour, after every lunch, and in my case mornings are more energised than afternoons. Read more...

AWS experiment 1 - best way to create many small files

Introduction As a way to continue learning AWS and in preparation for future certifications I want to do some experiments on AWS. Each experiment will be easily replicable and will allow you to test it. This first experiment is foundational and is focused on finding a fast way to create a controlled number files of known (small) size. Conclusion if you don’t want to read it all: Create a big file with dd and then spliting it is by far more efficient than using dd in a for-loop for files under 100k. Read more...

One week holiday

Hello readers, I’ll be on holiday next week, and that means no posts. As Depeche Mode say: “Enjoy the silence” Read more...

Cloud and Finance

If you are into cloud and are interested about finance and cloud finance you can do 2 things: Talk to me :) checkout and then talk to me a bientôt Read more...

Why I wear big, round, red, glasses

Long time ago, after seeing the glasses of Seth Godin I decided to wear interesing glasses. Now people are sure to remember me: I’m the guy with the big round red glasses. And if I say intelligent (or not) things they will be able to refer to me, as the “big, round, red glasses guy”. Often I get the question: “where did you buy your glasses”, well I buy them from a small shop in London, the only shop with round, colorful glasses I know and it is called blackeyewear. Read more...