
What is the difference between a Business Model and Business Plan?

Let’s look at the words one at a time: Business: it is about making money Model: A model of a system or process is a theoretical description that can help you understand how the system or process works, or how it might work. Collins Dictionary Plan: It is commonly understood as a temporal set of intended actions through which one expects to achieve a goal. Wikipedia So you create a model based on your assumptions, and that is your Business model. Read more...

Missing deadlines

This is a lost post, I forgot to write on the 6th of Feb 2020 and noticed it only on the 10th. I missed a deadline. How catastrophical is that? Not much really. Deadline are mostly artificial and remembering that I write to be consistent and exercise my writing, this short post should put my mind at rest. Job’s done :) have a great day Read more...

Game of GO

If you want to learn a game with very simple rules, but with both tactical and strategical complexity. Go with GO (not the programming language, the game) Read more...

Google has too much info on me

Google aims to collect small pieces of information that, on their own, do not provide much and aggregating them make sense and create not only a profile but also understand your evolution. So the more small pieces they have, the more they have an understanding. Every service of Google is aimed at collecting those pieces. Let’s see some example with a story. You are on Gmail - Google read your email, knows your contacts, who do you ignore, who do you reply fast, which email you open and which link you click. Read more...

Knowing your neighbours

In the past knowing your neighbours was normal, then neighbours started to be less connected, until today, when we all have to collect other people’s parcels and meet neighbours. Shopping online might be bad for high-street, but it has some positive effect very locally. a bientôt Read more...

Comments about cloud industry and other tech thoughts

I answered a quora question and I like it so much that I’ll post it here The question is: Why is the architecture of the cloud depending only on the decisions made by the cloud professionals? Why are the cloud initiatives not linked to the product or business aspects? My answer is: Short answer: it should not. Long answer: While most tech people have a strong feeling that Cloud is the biggest thing in IT, it is not. Read more...

Analogy to create and nuture a successful team

As part of my coaching/mentoring, I use many analogies. Analogies help twice. First, it’s a great way to share a vision based on shared knowledge; second, it’s a simple way to make decisions for the coachee. For example, Disney tells their Disneyland employees that they are like actors on a stage. Decisions on what is right and wrong are now accessible. Smoking in front of the audience is wrong, wearing a costume is good, acting like the costume character is perfect. Read more...

Why this blog has no stats and why you should think to do the same

This website has no Analytics enabled. some context (the past) In previous incarnations of this blog I used to enjoy all the funky stats of Google Analytics. I wasted hours looking at my stats, learning SEO, writing in a style that was not fully mine (but more Google compatible). I spent money on Wordpress plugins, software to share my content with the masses and (never fully) mastered pop-ups. All for some sense of achievement looking at a number going up and feeling very depressed when the numbers would go down. Read more...