Category: learning in public

Kids and money

Better paying for education and hope for the best after university (if they go) or better free school and set money aside to allow, for example, to be a serial entrepreneur at 20, or buy a house. Interesting questions that as a parent I struggle to find and answer to. Read more...

And you think we are in a period of big changes?

From the book Good strategy/Bad Strategy In the 50 years between 1875 and 1925 the following happened: Electricity starts being used for lighting Electricity being used in factories, changing everything and vaporising any previous investment. For example before electricity power was mostly generated by a big wheel pushed by a water stream, factories had to be close to a water stream (hence real estate prices near water were high), also the power capped the size of the company. Read more...

Two smartphone settings to change during the lockdown

A mobile phone is supposedly useful when we are mobile, yet we are in lockdown, so at home, and mobility is mostly picking the kids from home, and grocery store travels. Which is why I decided to change three settings on my phone with a great positive effect on my mental health: My phone turns itself off at 7 PM and back on at 7 AM. The only very urgent stuff I can act upon at night are related to my family and I’m away from them only during work and school time. Read more...

GTD the physical tray

I’m teaching (trying to) GTD to all my team, to enable us to share a common language and methodology for getting things done. Part of the work is to find the shortcomings of the workbook. The book puts much emphasis on having a physical paper tray to manage paper stuff. The step feels useless in an almost paperless world, there is not enough paper in life, for it to be worth the space used by a tray on a desk. Read more...

The closest thing to coding for execs

Executives don’t do Programming, but they write a lot. If you are like me, missing coding and or you want some of that flow feeling that all those geeks seem to be while coding, I recommend you have a look at $$\LaTeX$$ pronunciation One of the hardest things about LaTeX is deciding how to pronounce it.This is also one of the few things I’m not going to tell you about LaTeX, since pronunciation is best determined by usage, not fiat. Read more...

The importance of being precise (or inprecise)

Some parts of accounting are exact, I mean very, very precise, up to counting pens. While others part of a company’s finance are more a finger in the air, like goodwill. Why is such precision needed if it gets mixed with best guess numbers? Choosing a certain level of granularity is one of the most critical aspects of planning. It avoids a waste of time and energy. Read more...

Being guided by the phone

Let me share an example of without emotions, there is no memory that happened today. First some context, I’m terrible with directions, I get lost everywhere and, except in video games, not really good with maps. Which is why I often relied on maps on my phone to guide me. Today I decided not to use my phone, except for calls. I arrived at a London tube station. I’ve been 2-3 times in the past. Read more...

Very late

It is Sunday, and I’ve not written for all of last week, so I’m very late for the first time since the beginning of this blog. Did you notice? Did you care? ps: this is the 5th article to cover all of the past week :) Read more...