Category: tech

Comments about cloud industry and other tech thoughts

I answered a quora question and I like it so much that I’ll post it here The question is: Why is the architecture of the cloud depending only on the decisions made by the cloud professionals? Why are the cloud initiatives not linked to the product or business aspects? My answer is: Short answer: it should not. Long answer: While most tech people have a strong feeling that Cloud is the biggest thing in IT, it is not. Read more...

Why this blog has no stats and why you should think to do the same

This website has no Analytics enabled. some context (the past) In previous incarnations of this blog I used to enjoy all the funky stats of Google Analytics. I wasted hours looking at my stats, learning SEO, writing in a style that was not fully mine (but more Google compatible). I spent money on Wordpress plugins, software to share my content with the masses and (never fully) mastered pop-ups. All for some sense of achievement looking at a number going up and feeling very depressed when the numbers would go down. Read more...

An example of how IoT will change our lifes for the better

IoT is talked talked and talked about (aka it is a buzz word), but examples are hard to come by. Some very basic context: IoT stands for Internet of Things, which is about computers, talking to computers and doing stuff without humans. Here is the example: Immagine, you kid had been hit by a car and was just put in an ambulance. You want that ambulance to fly. With IoT the ambulance system could communicate with the traffic system and make sure every red light is actually green, allowing the ambulance to go full speed all the time might be the difference between life and death. Read more...

The mistake every nerd does

I need to go back to do some real tech work, both for my sanity (fun) and because I need to keep up. Lots of ideas in my heads, lots of exciting experiments to try, new things to do or old things to unearth. All cool tech stuff, but without a meaning! While at AWS re:Invent last year (2019), I noticed how much good tech work was used only to show technical competence, without a thought about possible use. Read more...