Category: tech

FinOps - Amortization - Why 730h per month - Category Attribute Service

Hello Some additions to the CUR zettelkasten: Trying to explain amortisation - I still cannot explain it simply :disappointed: Why 730 hours per month is often used in monthly calculations? A new page for the brilliant Category_Attribute_Service file Some calculations in the RI article and finally the beginning of a new article called Questions you can ask a CUR file Read more...

AWS size flexible - normalization factor table

I always forget where to find the AWS normalization factor table for flexible-size RI. The simple url is So here it is: Instance size Normalization factor nano 0.25 micro 0.5 small 1 medium 2 large 4 xlarge 8 2xlarge 16 4xlarge 32 8xlarge 64 10xlarge 80 16xlarge 128 32xlarge 256 Read more...

How to find if an AWS instance is spot

I was expecting this question to be answered in two minutes, while it seems that undertanding if an instance is spot well documented. So here is my very short version In the EC2 Console search for the lifecycle field. Read more...

Get NOW in Postgresql

SELECT CURRENT_TIME; Result: 14:39:53.662522-05 SELECT CURRENT_DATE; Result: 2019-12-23 SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; Result: 2019-12-23 14:39:53.662522-05 Official Pgsql documentation Read more...

How to change the timezone on Windows 10 when the UI fails

Changing the timezone should not be complicated! There is a nice user interface, with a list of timezones, I pick the one I need, click sync time and … it fails. The old timezone is back and the time on my laptop is wrong! So how to force (in this case brute force works) Windows to change the timezone. Simple we will use powershell Find Powershell and run as Administrator Find the id for your current timezone PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable Read more...

video editing made simple

Hello, sharing that since I discovered Camtasia I am really having fun going back to my roots of being a shared of knowledge Read more...

[Tech] An error occurred (InternalFailure) when calling the ListDataSources operation (reached max retries: 2): None

Is it just me or the AWS Quicksight API call to list data sources is broken? For the last few weeks I am getting $ aws quicksight list-data-sources \-\-aws-account-id 1234566789012 \-\-region eu-west-1 An error occurred (InternalFailure) when calling the ListDataSources operation (reached max retries: 2): None Tested today with aws-cli/2.1.36 Python/3.8.8 Linux/5.4.72-microsoft-standard-WSL2 exe/x86_64.ubuntu.20 prompt/off Read more...