Category: tech

High tech yet manual

It is incredible that the installation of an ADSL still requires manual work and “playing” with cables. Read more...

Arithmetic in Bash

~$ 2+2 2+2: command not found If you try to do 2+2 in bash chances are that 4 is not going to be the answer you get. To force bash to do some basic math you need to place it between the wildly non-intuitive $(( )) token. That’s strange IMO but hey it is a step in the right direction $((2+2)) 4: command not found That works ~$ echo $((2+2)) 4 more details on this article Read more...

[Tech] Snagit

I just discovered snagit a very useful screenshot tool that does incredible things. I’m testing it and really like it. Website Read more...

Get tables information in athena

Here we go SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables Other articles for databases geeks Using Athena from the AWS CLI on Linux Getting today in Athena Getting today in PostgreSQL How to get the metadata of AWS Athena tables Get the number of columns in an AWS Athena table Read more...

Using AWS Athena from AWS CLI and bash.

Other articles for databases geeks Using Athena from the AWS CLI on Linux Getting today in Athena Getting today in PostgreSQL How to get the metadata of AWS Athena tables Get the number of columns in an AWS Athena table One of the amazing things of AWS is that the CLI allows using most of the AWS services from the shell, in my case, bash. So here is my cheat-sheet to remind me how to use Athena from Bash. Read more...

AWS DevOps Professional

Keeping in touch with the rate of innovation in the Cloud is hard, especially as my job is more about leading and structure than hands-on-code. But I’m happy to report that with study, on-hands learning and videos from Stephane on Udemy I made it. Read more...

How to get the number of columns in one or more athena tables

Enjoy SELECT table_name, COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.columns AS columns_number GROUP BY table_name ORDER BY 2 desc Other articles for databases geeks Using Athena from the AWS CLI on Linux Getting today in Athena Getting today in PostgreSQL How to get the metadata of AWS Athena tables Get the number of columns in an AWS Athena table Read more...

5 ways to forecast your cloud spend

5 ways to forecast your cloud spend Why do you need to forecast? In every company there is a need to plan for future flows of money, and IT is no exception. Before the Cloud, IT spend was driven by people costs, hardware costs, and maintenance costs, each of which is stable under change management (i.e. you need authorisations to change things). Then, one day cloud is used and the costs are less predictable. Read more...