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A bientot
I return from a run, a good one feeling confident of having done a good time. Then I look at my watch and notice that it is not running. I forgot to turn it on. All that distance and time are forgotten (my legs do remember), and I feel a little frustrated.
Even for such a small thing, I need to calm the rational and the emotional part of my brain.Read more...
Some people run:
because it feels good because it is healthy because they love the endorphine because it is outside I run because that is the only way to eat chocolate, drink good wine and look sexy to my wifeRead more...
From the book Creativity Inc.
Whatever you do the first time will suck. But to do quality work (art), this is a needed step.
Every Pixar movie was very bad to start with.
How to have your sub-conscience to speak its (yours) mind
There are moments in life when I need to make a choice between two options, and I cannot. I cannot decide. In my head, it goes like this:
I pick option one, feel confident about it, then start feeling that option 2 is best, but I like option 1. I like option 2, too (pun intended).
I end up in a loop called analysis-paralysis.
Thinking fast and slow An amazing book on Social Economics. Really good book.
Author: Daniel Kahneman: Nobel price of economic without being an economist Amazon link Read more...
The chimp paradox Summary: A great book that explains in simpler terms (and fun drawings) how our brain works and how to best manage our lizard brain. It is a great companion book for Think Fast and Slow
Author: Dr. Steve Peters Amazon link