Sometime you get names like “helloMyNameIsFrank” (Camel case) or “HelloMyNameIsFrank” (Pascal case) and you want to make them human readable.
In bash you can use
sed 's/\([A-Z]\)/ \1/g' Example $ text="helloMyNameIsFrank" $echo $text | sed 's/\([A-Z]\)/ \1/g' hello My Name Is Frank Read more...
Today in #learninginpublic we think about work life balance.
Work life balance would imply that they are in opposition, but there is only life. No matter the amount of yoga, problems at work will not disapear without intervention at work. This is from a Simon Sinek interview with TED.
The evergreen article
Today in #learninginpublic, something I can be good at.
zt - when you are late don’t rush - My second brain
When you are running late, it’s important to stay calm and avoid rushing. Being just a few minutes late, whether it’s 5, 10, or 15 minutes, is still considered being late. There’s no need to make the situation worse by panicking and rushing." (My sentence improved by chatGPT)Read more...
Today in #learninginpublic, something I am terrible at. Every time I read this article, I think about all the things I started with passion and left half done on the side of my life road.
THe evergreen article
Today for learning in public I write about amortisation and amortisation in the cloud, with examples and some funny analogies. Feedback is very welcome Evergreen article
Teaser: Amortising is like spreading butter on a toast. You start by taking a big chunk of butter that covers only a little part of the bread and then you spread it over the full length of the bread. The quantity of butter is the same, but it is more useful over the length of the bread (and tastier, which is the important bit).Read more...
Today’s #learninginpublic article is about it is all invented! zt - it is all invented - My second brain
It is all invented #permanentnote
Source book - The art of possibility Practice 1 Keywords (topics and howto) topic - live a great life topic - my core beliefs topic - leading and managing topic - having a great relationship topic - mentoring, advising and coaching how to be a better self how to be a better advisor how to be a better leader Relevant notes zt - we live in a world of measurement zt - the second violin voice as a limitation zt - most of our limitations are rooted in the narrative we tell ourselves zt - we see based on our narrative zt - flip the coin Notes most of our limitations are rooted in the narrative we tell ourselves and by limiting our vision through our assumptions we are limiting ourselves.Read more...
Today’s #learninginpublic article is about the topic of information management!
Information management relevant note: topic - personal efficiency and linked references notes: Managing information is so important as part of topic - personal efficiency that it deserves a dedicated topic. Links to this page Latest articles created or updated Right side of the brain index Start here add value to that first meeting ask a lot, shut up and listen begin with the end in mind chief simplification officer don’t think too much entropy exercise - 5 steps to simplicity focus on your todo list it takes 20 hours to learn a new skill major method meeting nullification most people do not believe something can happen until it already has never assume always test nobody adds complexity as a choice on being a good advisor parallel thinking planning projects POMO read as if you are going to explain it reduce the amount of information coming in remember people’s name separate the thinking from the doing spend less time trying to be brilliant and more time trying to avoid obvious stupidity sun list the five why tips method tips to write better emails tools about simplification transparency as a way to reduce bureaucracy Using the six thinking hats we react more to lose than win why what how without emotion there is no long-term memory you can be prisoner of a business model zettelkasten as a knowledge tool Read more...
Today’s #learninginpublic article is about Tools and techniques to manage teams
Tools for team #permanentnote
topic - simplification and zt - chief simplification officer
Keywords (topics and howto) topic - leading and managing topic - mentoring, advising and coaching how to build a team how to be a better leader Notes, inc. relevant notes Tools to use with the team book - six thinking hats for decisions book - getting things done (GTD) for organisation and transfer of todo book - Wardley Maps to discuss the current landscape Wardley maps are forward-looking, while most business training are backward-looking we can talk of services offered (SD) including doctrine climatic patterns zt - the concept of strategy book - Measure what matters OKR MBOs how to do better meetings a group of tools and techniques for meetings Movie - Close your open door policy and do this instead a short video I did to push one-to-ones instead of an open door policy.Read more...
Today’s #learninginpublic article is about AWS cost categories
Cost categories are a powerful tool for organizing and categorizing costs within an organization. They allow for the creation of rules to combine multiple fields from the cost and usage report (CUR) into a new category, also known as synthetic tags or calculated fields. These calculated fields are derived from other CUR fields, providing a way to extract information without the need for manual tagging.Read more...