
Learning in public - it is all about people, humans

Today’s #learninginpublic article is about a core concept of my leadership and negotiation style. “It is all about Humans” Every important decision is, in the end, made by a person Ignoring the human part will limit the extent of an impact Humans are emotional (i.e. non-rational) first and foremost. We make the decision emotionally, and then we rationalise to explain why we made the decision. Take time to discover the person. Read more...

Learning in public - biases

Today in learning in public, I want to introduce one of my favourite topics. Avoiding our common biases. Biases are the actions we do without thinking that can have dire consequences! Awareness of our common biases and avoiding them is incredibly powerful and helps us make better decisions. Link to the article Read more...

Learning in public - AWS regions

Today in learning in public, I want to share a zettle (note) about AWS regions and availability zones (AZ); there is a link to the fields in the Cost and Usage Report (CUR for friends) file. Link to the article Read more...

Learning in public - infinite games

Today’s #learninginpublic article is about a concept I discovered in a TED interview with Simon Sinek in 2021. A finite game is a game with a beginning and an end, with very defined rules, and when the game ends, the player moves on. All sports, video games, and board games are finite games. An infinite game is a game that never ends, where rules change, where the game never ends, and players change. Read more...

Learning in public - paragraphs

Today’s #learninginpublic article is about writing, and in particular, paragraphs as a unit of attention. #writing Paragraphs help create structure, clarity and focus the reader’s attention. Link to the article Read more...

Understanding zero sum games and non-zero sum games

Hello all. This is a mathematical concept that turns out to be very important in business too. Zero-sum game A zero-sum game is a game where when someone wins something, someone else suffers an equivalent loss. So if there is a pie and two eaters, when one person eats a slice of pie, there is less left for the other. Most sports are zero-sum games. An example in business is market share; if you increase yours, someone else is losing market share. Read more...

How to implement the AWS recommended exponential backoff and jitter in JavaScript (and Observable)

Also known as Solving “ThrottlingException: Rate exceeded” in Javascript with Exponential backoff + Jitter The ThrottlingException: Rate exceeded error is a frustrating one, mainly because it has a series of bad habits: it happens mostly in production, randomly (or so it seems), and often in the middle of a critical loop in the code. The error is an AWS protection mechanism to avoid being flooded with requests from buggy code, like an infinite loop, yet the responsibility is left to us, developers in the coding trenches, to get around the error. Read more...

How build a team (ebook)

Hello everyone. Long time no read. During my spare time in the past weeks I have been writing a short (37 pages) ebook on how to build a team. I will continue to update the book as I learn more and get feedback, so if you buy it now it will get updated regularly without aditional cost. It is part of me learning in public and trying to make useful content out of my knowledge and experience. Read more...

How to create a multi-line string in JavaScript (and Observable)

While this post is triggered by working with Observable the solution works for Javascript ES6+. I use Observable to connect to the AWS pricing data, stored on a PostgreSQL instance on AWS. So far so good, Observable allows for easy connection to databases. When trying to write the code to query the database from Javascript data = db.query("SELECT * FROM amazonec2 LIMIT 10 ") I would get the error message “Unterminated string constant”. Read more...

How to get today and yesterday in PosgreSQL

Very useful dates functions for PostgreSQL. The official documentation is here. Getting the current date and time SELECT NOW() Getting the current day, no time SELECT date_trunc('day', NOW())::date; One hour later SELECT (NOW() + interval '1 hour') AS one_hour_later; One day later SELECT NOW()+1 The day before SELECT NOW()-1 For more complex calculations you can use intervals For example: SELECT (NOW() + interval '1 day') AS now_but_tomorrow; Other articles for databases geeks Using Athena from the AWS CLI on Linux Getting today in Athena Getting today in PostgreSQL How to get the metadata of AWS Athena tables Get the number of columns in an AWS Athena table Read more...