
Learning in public - Tools for teams

Today’s #learninginpublic article is about Tools and techniques to manage teams Tools for team #permanentnote topic - simplification and zt - chief simplification officer Keywords (topics and howto) topic - leading and managing topic - mentoring, advising and coaching how to build a team how to be a better leader Notes, inc. relevant notes Tools to use with the team book - six thinking hats for decisions book - getting things done (GTD) for organisation and transfer of todo book - Wardley Maps to discuss the current landscape Wardley maps are forward-looking, while most business training are backward-looking we can talk of services offered (SD) including doctrine climatic patterns zt - the concept of strategy book - Measure what matters OKR MBOs how to do better meetings a group of tools and techniques for meetings Movie - Close your open door policy and do this instead a short video I did to push one-to-ones instead of an open door policy. Read more...

Learning in public - Cost Categories

Today’s #learninginpublic article is about AWS cost categories Cost categories are a powerful tool for organizing and categorizing costs within an organization. They allow for the creation of rules to combine multiple fields from the cost and usage report (CUR) into a new category, also known as synthetic tags or calculated fields. These calculated fields are derived from other CUR fields, providing a way to extract information without the need for manual tagging. Read more...

Learning in public - it is all about people, humans

Today’s #learninginpublic article is about a core concept of my leadership and negotiation style. “It is all about Humans” Every important decision is, in the end, made by a person Ignoring the human part will limit the extent of an impact Humans are emotional (i.e. non-rational) first and foremost. We make the decision emotionally, and then we rationalise to explain why we made the decision. Take time to discover the person. Read more...