Tag: aws

AWS CUR format CSV and Parquet

AWS offers the CUR files to report on spending. The quality of the data is way better than the old Detailed Billing Files and it come in different formats. I use the CUR files to generate really good looking Dashboards with AWS QuickSight Today for the first time I checked CUR formatted as Parquet files, and there is a problem for anyone trying to reuse code, while the data seems to be very much the same as in the CSV, the headers are different. Read more...

The power of short and simple

Simplicity It is what I should have searched! Instead, I moved from WordPress to WIX, from complicated to very complicated. The result: fewer blog post, no simple way to migrate my old 60+ post, and I lost the passion for writing and sharing. But the truth is that I need to share what I learn, but I am doing it to a smaller community, my team. So here I am, starting again, this time with a static website, generated by Hugo, using the Aether theme, hosted on S3 (no https), writing my first blog post using notepad (almost) using Markdown. Read more...