
Opening my second-brain to the world

Hello, today I’m excited to share access to my second-brain -a zettelkasten- where I store new learning and discoveries, connecting them with my current knowledge. You can see it as a Wikipedia of my brain, or a second brain, where I can get back to my thoughts, be surprised by how concepts connect one to another. I’m sure you also had the same feeling: reading a book, finishing it, feeling inspired and … not remembering more than one of two ideas. Read more...

Write better emails by using IF, THEN

Use IF…THEN writing to provide clarity: if you cannot then … to explain assumptions: if you mean … then …, otherwise, if … then … to encourage accountability: if I don’t hear from you before … then I will consider it good as a reminder: if you don’t hear from me on … then send me a reminder. as a step-by-step support scenario: if this happens than … otherwise … Read more...

AWS size flexible - normalization factor table

I always forget where to find the AWS normalization factor table for flexible-size RI. The simple url is So here it is: Instance size Normalization factor nano 0.25 micro 0.5 small 1 medium 2 large 4 xlarge 8 2xlarge 16 4xlarge 32 8xlarge 64 10xlarge 80 16xlarge 128 32xlarge 256 Read more...

Playing with food - home made Tempura

Hello, I recently bought a fryer and became good enough at cooking frozen fries. A challenge was required. So I went through a series of websites with recipes and finally I got a winner: Prawns tempura! I’m glad to report that it did go well, and we finished them all. The recipe I used: nb: .ph is Phillipines Read more...

The community bias

One liner Community bias I call community bias when our narratives are reinforced by being in closed communities and ignoring others. This bias is visible for political opinions, TV channels, friends and family. More liner I call community bias when our narratives are reinforced by being in closed communities and ignoring others. This bias is visible for political opinions, TV channels, friends and family. By only being around people with the same beliefs or vision, we start to believe that everyone thinks like us and what we think is right. Read more...

How to find if an AWS instance is spot

I was expecting this question to be answered in two minutes, while it seems that undertanding if an instance is spot well documented. So here is my very short version In the EC2 Console search for the lifecycle field. Read more...

Get NOW in Postgresql

SELECT CURRENT_TIME; Result: 14:39:53.662522-05 SELECT CURRENT_DATE; Result: 2019-12-23 SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; Result: 2019-12-23 14:39:53.662522-05 Official Pgsql documentation Read more...

The visibility bias

This post is the first post in the bias category. One liner visibility bias Our brain creates a narrative based on what we see more often. More liner Our brain creates a narrative based on what we see more often, ordering the frequency of events incorrectly. For example, as a plane crash is more visible than car accidents, we tend to think planes are less secure than cars due to the visibility bias. Read more...

Why do we sign contracts without reading them

We agree on T&C without reading them. In other words, we sign contracts we do not read. We do so because it is long and painful to go throught the length of legalese involved versus just clicking. If you recently bought a gadget, a physical one, the only way to use it involves clicking on a lenghty contract. But there are implications! I remember reading an acticle about the new Amazon Alexa for kids. Read more...