Category: learning in public

A year from now... - Seth Godin

A copy of Seth Godin post of the 2019-11-02 Will today’s emergency even be remembered? Will that thing you’re particularly anxious about have been hardly worth the time you put into it? Better question: What could you do today that would matter a year from now? Read more...

Mapping is not the important part of Wardley maps

While reading (for the third time, I can be slow) Simon Wardley’s book on Medium I had an epiphanie. What is really important is the OODA loop and in particular the Decide and Act section are the most important topics. military world In the military world Observe and Orient are “easy” because based on standardised maps and standardised weather reports. business world In business, there is no such thing as a standard map, or a standard weather report. Read more...

the only long term goal that matters

Some years ago my father died of cancer, and one of his last sentence to me was:“I’ve no regrets”. Since then I make sure that at any point in life I can say “I’ve no regrets”. A business view of this would be: Regrets are the shareholders of my actions Read more...