Category: learning in public

How to be a very cheap investor

If you are a startup founder of planning to become one, I highly recommend you to start investing in other startups. It is the best way to understand how startup work from the investor point of view. But how a founder, already putting all his/her savings (maybe even parents’ savings too) can become the investor of others. Well it is simple, you can use sites like seedrs to invest from as little as £10 per company. Read more...

Simpler publishing calendar for

This week I was ready to publish 3 technical articles. But that would be too much in one go and many non-tech people would just stop reading. So I’ve decide to make to changes to simplify my blog life: I will only write about: Fun stuff on Monday Tech stuff on Tuesday People stuff on Wednesday Simple stuff on Thursday Money stuff on Friday nothing on days I do not work (i. Read more...

Do you know the 23 types of discounts?

Some day ago I was creating a Wardley Map of Strategic Blue’s offering and as we care only about money and cloud, discounts are part of my map. So I searched online for the different types of discounts available, to them map them to what is already available from cloud vendors. I was expecting 5-7 types of discounts, I found 23, here is the list Financial discounts Commitment discounts Volume discounts Contractual discounts Buy 1 get 1 Early pay Free shipping Industry (or vertical ) discounts Order specific Seasonal Trade discount (like reseller discount) Cash discount Client specific Geographical Promotional Pre-launch Early birds Cross-sell Upsell Production discounts Customer characteristics Age related discounts Coupon (and discount card) I just discovered that wikipedia has a longer list https://en. Read more...

When stats lie - inspired by SuperFreakonomics

Beware of stats, or at least take them with a ton of salt. Based on stats on average each humans have one breast and one testicle do not go to bed, most people die in one same with hospital, this is where sick people meet even worst most people die in a bed in an hospital, so never sleep in a hospital based on this and this wikipedia article we could deduce that humans expire at 105. Read more...