
How to be creative

I hear people saying “I am not creative”. Well, let me share a secret, creativity is knowledge in disguise. The more you read (acquire knowledge) on different topics, or on the same topic but multiple books, the more your brain will have dots of information. What a mind is excellent at is connecting the dots already in your mind to achieve an objective. Start adding dots to your collection. Let me know if you need help choosing books. Read more...

Using a Yubikey for 2 factor authentication

Following on the previous security article I want to talk about 2 factor authentication. 2FA (as it is also known) is a 2 level of security on top of the usual username and password. In the James Bond movies it usually is eye scan, dna or simply fingerprint. Well in the real world, if 2FA is enable on your account, after entering a username and password, you will be sent something on your mobile phone to validate that yes, not only you know the username and password, but you also have access to something personal and physical. Read more...

avoiding lastpass for most used password without killing security

I use LastPass, and I find it a great tool, but while on the road, it is complicated to remember that the password for the mobile website is ia0oJ4a&// and even harder to enter on a mobile phone. This password checker tells me that the password above is very strong, **as is RinobeatsCheetah!! **. Remembering RinobeatsCheetah!! is easy. To create a long-term memory, you need to associate the content with emotion. Read more...

Even simple things need change to stay alive

I am late 7 articles on this blog. I am supposed to write something every day, but it is not happening. Why? Because it is too complicated. While simple compared to Wordpress, it is still too complicated for me to do it on-the-fly. It was not at the beginning, so what happened? It is due to simplification and time. At the beginning of this blog journey, I had lots of ideas and great enthusiasm. Read more...

Startup founder stages - part 1

Seen from the founder This is a, first draft, of a list of stages founders will go through, in no particular order (yet) I hope to get your feedback. I will then work to find some support (experience, sites, books) for each I want to become an entrepreneur but no ideas I’ve an idea but no way to make it happen I’ve and idea and know where to start I can do an MVP - but not done yet I have an MVP Should I be CEO I’m pivoting (may happen multiple times) I’m on the verge of bankruptcy I’m not selling enough I’m not selling at all I’m selling too much I need cash to grow I need an investor I need a co-founder What is a balance sheet? Read more...

My best book on leadership - what is yours

People, wanting to be better leaders, have been asking me “which book should I read”. My answer is Turn The Ship Around!: A True Story of Building Leaders by Breaking the Rules of David Maquet Turn The Ship Around!: A True Story of Building Leaders by Breaking the Rules Read more...

Do you know AROUND can be used in gmail to search for words apart

Often, and I mean really often, I forget to use the various gmail search operators. So as a promemoria to me and help to you, here is the link PS: you can save a search as a bookmark, easy when you often search for the same things over and over again Read more...